(function (globals) { var django = globals.django || (globals.django = {}); django.pluralidx = function (n) { var v=(n > 1); if (typeof(v) == 'boolean') { return v ? 1 : 0; } else { return v; } }; /* gettext library */ django.catalog = { " | Explore | Prezi": " | Explorer | Prezi", "%(resultCount)s prezi": "%(resultCount)s pr\u00e9sentation", "%(resultCount)s prezis": "%(resultCount)s pr\u00e9sentations", "%(sel)s of %(cnt)s selected": [ "%(sel)s sur %(cnt)s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9", "%(sel)s sur %(cnt)s s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s" ], "6 a.m.": "6:00", "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again.": "Une erreur est survenue, merci de r\u00e9essayer plus tard.", "Anyone can save
a copy of this prezi": "N'importe quel utilisateur peut enregistrer
une copie de ce prezi", "Available %s": "%s disponible(s)", "Calendar": "Calendrier", "Cancel": "Annuler", "Choose": "Choisir", "Choose a time": "Choisir une heure", "Choose all": "Tout choisir", "Chosen %s": "Choix des \u00ab\u00a0%s \u00bb", "Click to choose all %s at once.": "Cliquez pour choisir tous les \u00ab\u00a0%s\u00a0\u00bb en une seule op\u00e9ration.", "Click to remove all chosen %s at once.": "Cliquez pour enlever tous les \u00ab\u00a0%s\u00a0\u00bb en une seule op\u00e9ration.", "Clock": "Horloge", "Copied!": "Copi\u00e9 !", "Filter": "Filtrer", "Hide": "Masquer", "January February March April May June July August September October November December": "Janvier F\u00e9vrier Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Ao\u00fbt Septembre Octobre Novembre D\u00e9cembre", "Midnight": "Minuit", "More than %(resultLimit)s": "Plus de %(resultLimit)s", "More than %(resultLimit)s prezis": "Plus de %(resultLimit)s pr\u00e9sentations", "No prezis for %(searchQuery)s": "Aucune presentation pour %(searchQuery)s", "No such": "Aucun", "Noon": "Midi", "Note: You are %s hour ahead of server time.": [ "Note\u00a0: l'heure du serveur pr\u00e9c\u00e8de votre heure de %s heure.", "Note\u00a0: l'heure du serveur pr\u00e9c\u00e8de votre heure de %s heures." ], "Note: You are %s hour behind server time.": [ "Note\u00a0: votre heure pr\u00e9c\u00e8de l'heure du serveur de %s heure.", "Note\u00a0: votre heure pr\u00e9c\u00e8de l'heure du serveur de %s heures." ], "Now": "Maintenant", "Prezi.com is missing a plugin required to work correctly. Click here to install Google Chrome Frame\u2026": "Prezi.com a besoin d'une extension pour fonctionner correctement. Cliquez ici pour installer Google Chrome Frame...", "Remove": "Enlever", "Remove all": "Tout enlever", "S M T W T F S": "D L M M J V S", "Show": "Afficher", "This is the list of available %s. You may choose some by selecting them in the box below and then clicking the \"Choose\" arrow between the two boxes.": "Ceci est une liste des \u00ab\u00a0%s\u00a0\u00bb disponibles. Vous pouvez en choisir en les s\u00e9lectionnant dans la zone ci-dessous, puis en cliquant sur la fl\u00e8che \u00ab\u00a0Choisir\u00a0\u00bb entre les deux zones.", "This is the list of chosen %s. You may remove some by selecting them in the box below and then clicking the \"Remove\" arrow between the two boxes.": "Ceci est la liste des \u00ab\u00a0%s\u00a0\u00bb choisi(e)s. Vous pouvez en enlever en les s\u00e9lectionnant dans la zone ci-dessous, puis en cliquant sur la fl\u00e8che \u00ab Enlever \u00bb entre les deux zones.", "Today": "Aujourd'hui", "Tomorrow": "Demain", "Type into this box to filter down the list of available %s.": "\u00c9crivez dans cette zone pour filtrer la liste des \u00ab\u00a0%s\u00a0\u00bb disponibles.", "Yesterday": "Hier", "You can save a copy
of this prezi": "Vous pouvez sauvegarder une copie
de ce prezi", "You have selected an action, and you haven't made any changes on individual fields. You're probably looking for the Go button rather than the Save button.": "Vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 une action, et vous n'avez fait aucune modification sur des champs. Vous cherchez probablement le bouton Envoyer et non le bouton Sauvegarder.", "You have selected an action, but you haven't saved your changes to individual fields yet. Please click OK to save. You'll need to re-run the action.": "Vous avez s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9 une action, mais vous n'avez pas encore sauvegard\u00e9 certains champs modifi\u00e9s. Cliquez sur OK pour sauver. Vous devrez r\u00e9appliquer l'action.", "You have unsaved changes on individual editable fields. If you run an action, your unsaved changes will be lost.": "Vous avez des modifications non sauvegard\u00e9es sur certains champs \u00e9ditables. Si vous lancez une action, ces modifications vont \u00eatre perdues.", "checkbox": "case \u00e0 cocher", "click": "clic", "file": "file", "image": "image", "input": "entr\u00e9e", "password": "mot de passe", "prezi user": "utilisateur de Prezi", "prezi users": "utilisateurs de Prezi", "radio": "radio" }; django.gettext = function (msgid) { var value = django.catalog[msgid]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return msgid; } else { return (typeof(value) == 'string') ? value : value[0]; } }; django.ngettext = function (singular, plural, count) { var value = django.catalog[singular]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return (count == 1) ? singular : plural; } else { return value[django.pluralidx(count)]; } }; django.gettext_noop = function (msgid) { return msgid; }; django.pgettext = function (context, msgid) { var value = django.gettext(context + '\x04' + msgid); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = msgid; } return value; }; django.npgettext = function (context, singular, plural, count) { var value = django.ngettext(context + '\x04' + singular, context + '\x04' + plural, count); if (value.indexOf('\x04') != -1) { value = django.ngettext(singular, plural, count); } return value; }; django.interpolate = function (fmt, obj, named) { if (named) { return fmt.replace(/%\(\w+\)s/g, function(match){return String(obj[match.slice(2,-2)])}); } else { return fmt.replace(/%s/g, function(match){return String(obj.shift())}); } }; /* formatting library */ django.formats = { "DATETIME_FORMAT": "j F Y H:i", "DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M", "%d/%m/%Y", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%f", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M", "%d.%m.%Y", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d" ], "DATE_FORMAT": "j F Y", "DATE_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y", "%d.%m.%Y", "%d.%m.%y", "%Y-%m-%d" ], "DECIMAL_SEPARATOR": ",", "FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK": "1", "MONTH_DAY_FORMAT": "j F", "NUMBER_GROUPING": "3", "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT": "j N Y H:i", "SHORT_DATE_FORMAT": "j N Y", "THOUSAND_SEPARATOR": "\u00a0", "TIME_FORMAT": "H:i", "TIME_INPUT_FORMATS": [ "%H:%M:%S", "%H:%M" ], "YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT": "F Y" }; django.get_format = function (format_type) { var value = django.formats[format_type]; if (typeof(value) == 'undefined') { return format_type; } else { return value; } }; /* add to global namespace */ globals.pluralidx = django.pluralidx; globals.gettext = django.gettext; globals.ngettext = django.ngettext; globals.gettext_noop = django.gettext_noop; globals.pgettext = django.pgettext; globals.npgettext = django.npgettext; globals.interpolate = django.interpolate; globals.get_format = django.get_format; }(this));