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Refugee presentation

Transcript: Detnetion Centres Tony's Story (Vietnamese Refugee) Solutions Tony was born in Can Tho in South Vietnam to a mother who owned a grocery store and a father who was a high school teacher. His father started doing some work for the South Vietnam government and when war broke out and North Vietnam won he was arrested and put into a re-education camp for 2 years. When he was released he decided that they and his family should leave the country and seek refuge in other countries. On their first attempt their boat wrecked on the Vietnam coast, however they managed to escape the second time narrowly missing the boarder police and traveling to Thailand. The spent the night on the shore where they were robbed of their very few possessions, the next day they walked to a small village where police were called and they were taken to a refugee camp. After six months here there were transferred to Bangkok for health checks before being sent to Australia in 1979, Tony was only 10 at this time. Solutions for the refugee problem are greatly debated. Tony Abbot's standpoint is zero tolerance and to send them all back. Kevin Rudd suggests sending them to a different place like PNG. I think that if rocessing could be quicker then many refugees woulld be much happier when they come to Australia. The Journey of a Refugee An Asylum seeker is someone who cannot stay in their own country due to a threat against their life. They have to travel to another country but have not yet been accepted for processing Refugees are asylum seekers who have been accepted to a country for processing but have yet to be accepted into the country Acceptance or Denial What is A Refugee/Assylum Seeker? This is the stage where refugees are accepted for citizenship or is denied and sent back to their country If they areaccepted they are able to find a new life in Australia. They form communities like Cabramatta's Vietnamese community If not they have to return to their country. Often it is not safe for them to return to their country. They face the threat of death and violence. Asylum Seekers come from countries that are war torn and dangerous. They come via plane and boat. Often people who come by boat are considered to be "skipping the queue" The journey for Asylum Seekers is very difficult. They have to face constant threats like pirates and treacherous waves. Many do not survive this stage of the journey. If they do they are often intercepted by the navy and taken to places like Nauru or Christmas Island. A detention centre is a place like Nauru or christmas Island. They are often very bleak and the people in them have all but lost hope. Every year refugees commit suicide in detention centres because they have no knowledge of whether or not they are safe or if they will make it through. Sometimes they have family members waiting for them to be accepted back in their home country so that they can come over The Journey

Refugee Presentation

Transcript: Do state-administered refugee agencies from the five states that received the highest number of refugees in 2012 provide culturally competent services to their refugee clients in accordance with the NASW guidelines? •1950’s:Assimilation- “melting pot concept”- lack of respect for differences • 1960’s-70’s: Cultural, Economic & Political Movements •2000’s:Increase in hate crimes sensitization of social work students to issues of diversity Refugee Presentation Data Collection Methods- Recruitment/Sampling Measurement Agencies assessed based on five categories: • Staff and policy attitudes • Services • Assessment of agency’s relationship with the refugee populations they serve • Culturally-sensitive training • Evaluation Recruiting Strategies Introductory Telephone Calls Mailed Surveys With Cover Letters Mailed Follow-Up Letters and Surveys Implications OUR SAMPLE The 5 State-Administered Refugee Agencies That Received the Largest Number of Refugees in 2012: 1. California - 5,183 refugees 2. Michigan - 3,600 refugees 3. Pennsylvania - 2,813 refugees 4. Georgia - 2,516 refugees 5. Florida - 2,249 refugees (Prah, 2013). What is Cultural Competency? Number of refugees 2011 Lucy Chen Bianca Gras Fedia Louis Danielle Restieaux Research Question Methods- Analysis Background Methods - Recruitment / Sampling As diversity in the populations social workers serve increases, there is a growing need and appreciation for social workers to awareness and deeper understanding of the roles of race/ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation and even mental illnesses play in their interactions with clients. Although, the CSWE & NSAW has come mandated standards & with a checklist of cultural competence, there is limited literature on the implementation and application of cultural competence. Our research implicate the need to scientifically measure the implementation of cultural competence within the social work practice. Ultimately, any effect upon culturally aware practice will be determined by the quality of elaboration of the mandated characteristics. There are also several methodological issues, and the checklist list itself might be considered as not encompassing enough. The five general categories might not be sufficient, and the checklist itself doesn't provide any information on reliability. There's no way to way to know if agencies will continue to provide high/low quality services based on their scores from the checklist Agenda • Survey comprised of yes-no questions, Likert scale questions, semantic differential questions, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions • Close-ended questions – Gathers general data about agency • Open-ended questions – Gathers data about agency’s understanding, training, implementations of cultural competency State-Administered Refugee Agency Cultural Competence Checklist Background Research Question Methods -univariate analysis -how data will be coded -include and explain tables (will expand in Prezi)

Refugee Presentation

Transcript: When do refugees in Iran have the opportunity to resettle? Why do refugees still struggle even when resettled? Recieve assistance for 90 days to do with food shelter and emplyment, but afterwards are expected to be economically self- sufficient. Many do not know the language of the country, as well as the culture and customs, making it difficult to integrate smoothly. How is one be deemed a legitimate refugee? They must fit the definition of a refugee, meaning they must be in grave danger and fearing for their lives. (pass an interview) Must pass security and medical screening in order to be considered for resettlement. Extremists- Refugees are often threatened for certain religious or ethnic views, as if their views do not correspond with the one of the majority, it can cause danger for the individual. Some can return to their home country when peace and stability is restored once again and it is no longer a dangerous environment. When the host country (the first one the refugee came to) agrees to allow them to integrate and settle in the community. Iran is surrounded by other dangerous areas, leading not much possibility for help as the country itself is not stable. When a situation is so dangerous protection is the first prority and refugees are moved to whatever country is able to take them in. Permanent resettlement in another country is the last option, but is often difficult to obtain due to large numbers of refugees. Military- if there is a war going on in an individuals home country it is often a great cause of fear as the cuntry is torn apart. And one more thing... The Government- The government of their home country is unable to help those who seek safety due to legal bonds, bribery and fear themselves. Who is most feared by a refugee? They cannot be firmly resettled in any other country. Large cities are often are able to house more refugees and provide them with necessary shelter. Iran over the years has taken in over a million refugees fleeing from Iraq. Where in Iran is help being provided? They are not able to take any personal belongings with them when they flee, meaning they have to start all over. Refugees in Iran What are the options refugees have for resettlement When their home country is deemed acceptable to take the refugee back and no further risks would be encountered. is here If the conditions continue to be dangerous a refugee can chose to stay at a refugee settlement in a foreign country. this however is not a permanent solution as many country do not accept a lot of permanent refugees.

Refugee Presentation

Transcript: The Lost Boys of Sudan REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT Top Host Countries of the world's refugees are hosted in developing regions the number of newly displaced due to conflict or persecution Refugee Flees Arrives in Country of First Asylum (second country) is considered an Asylum seeker a natural disaster immigrant an economic immigrant a health immigrant an illegal immigrant an asylee a person who has played any part in the persecution of others the number of individuals who have been forcibly displaced worldwide. 59.5 million 3. Lebanon (1.15 million) Build a Welcome Kit Donate Furniture Provide Storage Donate Office Supplies Provide Transportation Commit to be a Good Neighbor Team race religion nationality political opinion membership in a particular social group Ways to Help 13.9 million IOM* schedules medical screening (provides treatment if needed) Travel loan arranged Assurance is verified Flight Arranged A Refugee is NOT: Help find and furnish an appropriate home for refugee(s) Pick up from the airport provide a hot meal cultural orientation provide transportation to and from appointments introduction to school systems Help find a job help set a budget Be the Body and share the love of Christ I was a stranger, and you invited me in World Relief intro What if... Refugee Ministry WORLD RELIEF OUTREACH A Refugee IS: REFUGEE CRISIS In the United States of America War Ethnic Cleansing Persecution IDP or Internally Displaced Person (in country of origin) 1. Turkey (1.59 million) Goes to a US refugee processing center eligibility screening paperwork bio data (goes to US for allocation to agencies like World Relief) INS interview scheduled 5. Ethiopia (659,500) 4. Islamic Republic of Iran (982,000) Time table once Arriving in the US *International Organization for Migration World Relief Spartanburg 86% DEFINE THE WORLD'S a person with a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of: Jason Lee & Barbara Mangum-director & administrator expects about 65 refugees to the Upstate of SC for the year 2015 refugees expected from Democratic Republic of the Congo Bhutan Ukraine Syria 100 mile radius for resettling US Voluntary Agency (Volag) Interviewed by USCIS* Approved or Denied refugee status First 30 Days: applies for benefits from department of human assistance applies for Social Security card has a health assessment completed enrolls in English Classes (if needed) Secures a full-time job 2014 Trends at a glance 42,500 UNHCR* Refers to a third country for refugee processing and possible resettlement US accepts 70,00 per year (less than 1/2 of 1% of the world's refugee population) the number of individuals forced to leave their home PER DAY due to conflict and persecution Within 3.5 years (42 months): travel loan must be paid in full After 5 Years refugee is eligible to apply for US citizenship the people behind the name A REFUGEE'S JOURNEY TO Registers with the UNHCR* for refugee status Lives in Camp or Finds Private Lodging Refugees depart for the US Arrive at resettlement site AN INTRODUCTION TO Within 6 months: refugee receives payment booklet and must begin repaying their travel loan expenses to the US Department of State After 1 Year: refugee is eligible to apply for a Green Card refugee should be more self-sufficient 2. Pakistan (1.51 million) GNT Good Neighbor Team: *United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees The effects of ONE World Relief trains team members to empower families, churches and communities Ultimately transforming entire regions

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